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Resources in Belmont-Cragin

por los recursos en
Las Damas de Belmont-Cragin
Las Damas Literacy Program
The literacy program launched October 27th, 2020, providing laptops and learning aids to CPS students K-6. Parents are reporting quarterly and identifying their child's progress.
How Can We Help
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Mission Statement
Las Damas de Belmont-Cragin seek to advance women and children of the area, academically and economically thereby enhancing opportunities for a greater future. We will accomplish this goal by identifying resources and providing support to allow women and children to engage in their selected programming.
Little Free Library
2808 N Linder Ave – Boy Scouts
5329 W George St – Telephone Pole
5252 W Palmer St – Prosser
6108 W Wellington Ave – Locker
3123 N Kilpatrick Ave – Chicago
2334 N Kilpatrick Ave – Prosser
3235 N Central
3120 N Nottingham
2237 N. LaCrosse Ave – Las Damas
2535 N. Mango – Girl Scouts
In an effort to raise literacy in the Belmont-Cragin area, Las Damas de Belmont-Cragin has put together a list of locations where parents can find free books for their children and teens. A safe escape from phones and laptops can always be found in a good read. Visit the Little Free Libraries near the Belmont-Cragin Community (take one, leave one).
If you are interested in seeing more Little Free Libraries in the local neighborhood, we invite you to leave a comment describing what reading means to you. More information on the libraries can be found here:
"The same redlining that impacts the retail and housing markets in disadvantaged neighborhoods, also affects infrastructure there."
-Laura Lane
Managing Director Programs, Sunshine Enterprises
Managing Director Programs, Sunshine Enterprises